Caught Living the Values: Persona’s Erik Lee Honored
Persona’s “Caught Living the Values” winner was Persona Main IT employee Erik Lee.
Erik’s winning nomination came from co-worker Loreen Behlings. Also, he was nominated by Marie Mahoney. In Loreen’s nomination, Behlings said Erik spent the past several months creating a new estimating form and log to replace the Excel forms that had been problematic for both the sales and estimating departments.
“The new estimating form and log went live on Oct. 19 and have been working awesomely,” she wrote. “As we come up with tweaks and changes we’d like to see, Erik does the updates expeditiously. Obviously, this is really an awesome new tool. Thank you, Erik!”
Erik was nominated in the categories “Our People Come First,” and “Pursuing continual Improvement.” As the monthly winner, he receives $25.
Each month, a second employee is randomly selected from among the nominees and wins $5. For October, that employee was Roger Whittle, nominated by Julie LeVake. In addition, there were eight other nominations submitted for October. Specifically, the other nominations were Cole Fischer, Johan Havenga, Karen Hustad, Bill Johnson, Betsy Lentz, Julie Schmieg and Katherine Schwingler.
At Persona, our Vision, Mission and Values statements are more than just words on paper. Notably, we strive to live up to those statements in everything we do.
Persona’s Values
Persona recognizes an employee each month who exemplifies the core business principles that company founder Dennis Holien assembled more than 40 years ago. Provided that, employees nominate co-workers who are “Caught Living the Values” and a committee pores over those nominations to select a winner
In brief, the five business values at Persona are:
Wow the customer (unequaled service)
People are our most important asset (people first)
Do the right thing (principles)
Be the best, not necessarily the biggest (mastery)
Pursue continual improvement (excellence & innovation)