What Type of Signage is Best For You

Pylon Sign

Probably the most useful and visible signage you can get, pylon signs are great for any business. Place your signage near the roadway and every passing motorist will see where your business is located. You will be able to give passing potential customers a first impression of what your business can provide for them. Just remember doesn’t matter how large your building is or its signage if you can’t see it from the road most people won’t ever see it at all. Not only that but pylon signs are durable and long lasting, showing off your brand for years to come.

Monument Sign

A great way to provide more visibility to your business and make your logo recognizable, Monument signs provide a great architectural addition to your business. Being highly customizable you can make the signage give potential customers a feel for what your company is about. Having a monument sign gives a sense of permanence and sits at eye level so anyone driving or walking by can easily see your sign. They are also a great alternative to pylon signs and without the pole lowers your cost of maintenance.

Directional Sign

It can be tough for customers to find their way around your building and the way to your building. Having directional signage will lead your customers in the right direction and boost traffic to your business.


Banners are great for many occasions. You can make a bold statement for a grand opening or a special occasion. You can also get temporary signage to use while your permanent signage is on the way. The best part of it all is that is low cost and still draws the customer’s eye to your business.


Channel Letters

This standout sign is very recognizable and is energy efficient. They can come in many shapes and colors bringing your brand to life. Channel Letters have a lightweight design making them very durable while easily displaying information and enhancing your brand’s image.